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Business Continuity Planning

The CSU Chancellor’s Office, in Executive Order #1014, delegates each campus the responsibility for implementing and maintaining an ongoing business continuity program to ensure the continuity of essential functions or operations following or during the recovery phase of a catastrophic event.

Sac State Ready

Sacramento State has a web-based Business Continuity Planning (BCP) system, created solely for this purpose, Sac State Ready.

The Business Continuity Planner is a database which creates a centralized location for all campus departments to enter, store, and update their business continuity plans. The person designated by the department, division, or college to write the organization’s continuity plan should take some time and use the resources listed below to become familiar with the BCP. After reviewing the materials provided, you will find the BCP easy and intuitive to use.

Sac State Ready logo

Emergency Action Program


It is the policy of the California State University, Sacramento (Sac State) to provide its employees with a safe and healthy workplace. In order to achieve this goal, Sac State has developed the Emergency Action Program to prepare employees for appropriate response actions during a campus emergency.


This document has been designed to comply with the provisions of 8 CCR § 3220 and to:

  • Document the Emergency Action Program developed and implemented at Sac State,
  • Inform employees of their responsibilities during an emergency, and
  • Describe the Emergency Action Program employee-training requirements.


This document applies to all personnel under the direct supervision of a Sac State employee (i.e., Temporary Employees, Temporary Agency Employees, Part-time Employees, Full time Employees, Student Assistants, Federal Work Study, Graduate Assistants, etc.). All personnel shall comply with the provisions outlined in this Emergency Action Program.

Responding to Emergencies

Sacramento State Police Department/Public Safety produces and maintains the "California State University, Sacramento, Emergency Response Manual, How to Help Yourself and Others During an Emergency" referred to herein as the ERM. The ERM is incorporated by reference into this Emergency Action Program.

The ERM contains important information on how to safely respond to Explosions/Crashes, Fires/Floods, Hazardous Material Releases, Utility Failures, Bomb Threats, Crimes in Progress and Earthquakes, and provides basic information on CPR, Evacuations, and Reporting Emergencies.

The ERM is widely distributed throughout the campus community. Additional, hard bound copies of the ERM can be obtained by contacting Public Safety at 278-6000.

Disaster & Contingency Planning Checklists


Training Scope & Requirement

All employees are required to complete Emergency Action Program training. Training consists of:

  • Becoming knowledgeable in the contents of this document
  • Becoming knowledgeable in the contents of the ERM
  • Completing the "Sac State Emergency Action Program - Training Checklist"
  • Completing any other emergency response training as required by your job assignment or as directed by your supervisor in accordance with University Policy or Union Contract (e.g., FA/CPR, Basic Building Search and Rescue).

Training Process

Managers, Department Chairs, and Supervisors ensure that their employees complete Emergency Action Program training, as specified below.

The Emergency Action Program training process is self directed (under the guidance of the employee's supervisor) and is designed to require employees to physically familiarize themselves with evacuation routes, assembly locations, and emergency equipment unique to their work location. Classroom instruction is not required in order to complete the Emergency Action Program training requirement.

Training Procedure

  • Supervisors provide untrained employees (new, transfer, or existing employees) with a copy of the "Sac State Emergency Action Program - Training Checklist" (see Attached), and access to this Program and the ERM.
  • Employees complete the Training Checklist through discussion with their supervisor and the IIPP/Emergency Coordinator, by reviewing this Emergency Action Program Document and the ERM, and by physically familiarizing themselves with pertinent emergency procedures and equipment, evacuation routes and assembly locations.
  • Each completed section of the Training Checklist is initialed by the employee.
  • The employee and their supervisor sign the completed Checklist.
  • The original, completed Checklist is maintained in the Program Center's files and a copy of the Checklist is be forwarded to EH&S for entry into LearnerWeb, and for retention.
  • Employees are required to complete the self-directed training within 10 working days of receiving training notification.

Emergency Preparation

The elements specified in this section (section 6) are Program Center Specific. Each Program Center must determine how to best address these requirements. In most cases, your written responses to all of the items listed below will be no longer than one page.

  • Assembly Locations - Program Centers are required to identify and document employee assembly locations for their building(s) and work group(s). Such documentation shall be added to this document as part of the Appendix.
  • Critical Plant Operations - Program Centers are required to identify critical operations that must not be abandoned during an emergency. Employees who must continue to maintain Critical Plant Operations during an emergency shall receive training appropriate to the operation. Where Critical Plant Operation procedures are necessary, such procedures shall be in writing. Critical Plant Operation procedures shall be added to this document as part of the Appendix.
  • IIPP and/or Emergency Coordinator(s) - Program Centers are required to identify IIPP and/or Emergency Coordinators. A list of IIPP and/or Emergency Coordinators shall be added to this document as part of the Appendix.
  • Rescue and Medical Duty Assignments - Program Centers are required to determine if special Rescue and/or Medical Duty Assignments are necessary. If it is determined that rescue and/or medical duties are necessary, a description of those duties, and the names and job titles of the individuals responsible for carrying out those duties, shall be added to this document as part of the Appendix.
  • Emergency Notification Procedures - Program Centers must determine the appropriate Emergency Notification Procedures that will be utilized by their employees during an emergency (e.g., Do employees dial 911? Do employees activate fire alarms? If fire alarms don't exist in a building, how will employees be notified of the need to evacuate, etc.?)
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