About MESA Program
About the MESA Program
The Mathematics, Engineering, and Science Achievement (MESA) Program supports educationally disadvantaged students to attain four-year degrees in engineering or computer science. The program establishes a peer community for its students, most of whom are first in their family to go to college. Rigorous academics, leadership preparation, and collaborative problem-solving training produce highly-skilled graduates who meet STEM industry’s workforce needs. MESA is postsecondary component of MESA California.
The MESA Program at Sacramento State is an academic support program within the College of Engineering and Computer Science. MESA helps students develop personally and professionally in preparation for the corporate world. MESA creates a family-like culture where students feel supported in their academic careers.
Get to Know MESA
ECS Calendar
http://www.trumba.com/calendars/college-of-engineering-and-computer-science.json- Event feed not specified or loaded.
Campus Services
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Find Us
MESA Program
Tschannen Engineering Building,
Room 1207
Mon – Fri,
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Contact Us
Phone: (916) 278-6699